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Ignite 2018

Dance Blast's exciting dance development project culminates this March with performances in Cardiff and Abergavenny.

Saturday 17th March: The Dance House Wales Millennium Centre 7.30pm

Tickets £10.00 & £7.00

Box office 02920 636464

Saturday 24th March: Borough Theatre Abergavenny 7.30pm

Tickets £7.00

Box office 01873 850805

Ignite is funded by the Arts Council of Wales Lottery and involves members of Monmouthshire Connected Dance Company, Dance Blast flagship company for people with a diverse range of abilities and needs and Monmouthshire Youth Dance Company, the organisation flagship youth dance company. Both companies commission professional choreographers to create new dance pieces with them.They lead the whole process shortlisting, auditioning and making the final selection. This is the first year that members of MCDC have gone through the commissioning process, a really exciting development for us all.

This year MYDC commissioned Gwyn Emberton and Christina Coleman. MCDC commissioned Karol Cysewski. Kim Noble, supported by Alex Marshall Parsons and Beth Powlesland have also made new pieces, so to have MYDC members. . Each choreographer has created an exciting new dance piece that showcases the talent, creativity and commitment of the all members.

An evening bot to be missed!!!

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